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One Blinding Vision: The Quest to See Jesus

One Blinding Vision: The Quest to See Jesus by James Shupp On April 22, 1991, U.S. News & World Report announced that the Apostle Paul’s missionary travels marked the greatest “hidden turning point” in human history. For nearly 25 years I’ve kept a copy of this article in my files. I’m still amazed that a secular news magazine would make an admission such as this.

But consider that one man’s vision of Jesus Christ was powerful enough to disrupt culture, nations, and the course of human history. Could this happen again today? What if you and I captured a fresh vision of the risen Lord for our generation? The need for this has never been greater.

I wrote “One Blinding Vision” after immersing myself in the life of Jesus Christ. I prayed that God would knock me to the ground by the force of what I saw. He did not disappoint me. He stripped away all my preconceived ideas—what I’d been taught in seminary and had even preached from the pulpit for decades.

I discovered three elegant truths about the life of Jesus Christ that formed the heartbeat of His ministry. Afterwards, I was shocked by the state of cardiac arrest of His heartbeat in my own life. The Book of Acts clearly describes how the early followers of Jesus allowed their hearts to beat in tandem with His. How have we missed following the same Biblical mandate in our generation? The heart monitors are screaming at us!

From start to finish, bringing “One Blinding Vision” to publication has been one of the most exciting journeys of my life. I wrote this book because I believe the bride of Christ isn’t seeing Jesus very clearly at the moment. Our collective vision is so opaque. The average believer sitting in church Sunday after Sunday needs a fresh Damascus Road experience.

Perhaps you do too. Join me in “The Quest to See Jesus.” May the light blind you so perfectly that your eyes will be opened too. Read a sample chapter.

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